Interesting MATLAB Tricks and Trivia

I used to have a large list of "obscure and/or tricky" MATLAB stuff on my Stack Overflow profile.  It got a bit long.  So here is the new home of my evolving list of awesome MATLAB trivia:

My favorite obscure and/or tricky MATLAB stuff:


My profile footer was usually something like this:

I'm a research scientist focused on medical image processing, machine learning, dimensionality reduction, and parallel computing. I ♥ `accumarray`.


Luis Mendo Tomás said...

Hey, thanks for that! :-)

chappjc said...

Of course, it's a great Q&A! Also, I think perhaps it got a little "Transpose blog bump". Haha, yeah right. I might want to start posting again some day for that to be possible.

Anonymous said...

Aww... where is your advice to **never use length**? Someone that I helped tried using this and they had the impression that this would *always* find the total number of rows. I tried linking them to your infamous "never use length ever" quote, but it's gone :( BTW, we all at SO miss you!

Anonymous said...

BTW, here's that question/comment :)